Introduction to Generalised Linear Mixed Models using R
(online course)
Mixed models have become increasingly popular, as they have many practical applications. However, the traditional linear mixed model with normally distributed errors is not appropriate for modelling discrete responses such as binary data and counts. Such responses are typically analysed using generalised linear models such as logistic regression and Poisson regression. Commonly-used generalised linear models will be extended to deal with multiple error structures, using a variety of scientific examples, mainly medical and health related applications, such as investigating the presence of adverse events in a clinical trial. The emphasis will be on practical understanding, although an outline of the theory will be presented. Practical examples will be used to illustrate the methods and participants will have the opportunity to fit and interpret models themselves in hands-on computer practicals. Practical work will be based on the R software; see Model fitting will mainly be done using the CRAN package GLMMadaptive. Delivery Mode All training is online and will be delivered live each day between 09:00 and 17:30 (GMT). Delivery platform: Zoom, which may be freely accessed. Questions may be asked using Zoom's chat box. Note our online courses are delivered by a team of two presenters, meaning at least one presenter is always available to provide additional support. During presentations, the team member who is not speaking can take questions in addition to the presenter. We also use Zoom meetings rather than webinars to encourage further interaction during an online course. Who Should Attend? Data analysts and statisticians working in medicine, health and related areas, who wish to have a practical introduction to Generalised Linear Mixed Models. It is assumed that participants are R users and familiar with the practical use of both generalised linear models and linear mixed models. How You Will Benefit You will learn to formulate generalised linear models with both fixed and random effects for a range of situations, how to fit them and how to interpret their output. What Do We Cover?
Software Practical work will be done in R. Note: For practical work, participants must download and install a number of CRAN packages in R. This must be done prior to the start of the course. Extra Information Related courses: Introduction to Generalised Linear Mixed Models using Stata; Introduction to Linear Mixed Models using R; Linear Mixed Models for Repeated Measures using R; Introduction to Linear Mixed Models in Health Research using Stata. |
Course Dates
27-28 November 2024 Venue: Online Duration: 2 days Price: £534 Apply Now (terms and conditions apply) Return to full course listing |
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